As You Like It MCQ Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

1. The play ‘As You Like It’ is a –
(a) tragedy
(b) comedy of manners
(c) farce
(d) romantic comedy.
2. The story of ‘As You Like It’ begins at a time Bed when France was
(a) independent
(b) united
(c) divided into provinces
(d) colonised.
3. The provinces of France were known as
(a) dukedoms
(b) colonies
(c) kingdoms
(d) parishes.
4. The Senior Duke was banished by-
(a) Duke Frederick
(b) Rosalind
(c) Orlando
(d) Celia.
5. The banished Duke took shelter in the-
(a) Forest of Ark
(b) Forest of Utopia
(c) Forest of Arden
(d) Forest of Ireland.
6. The followers of the duke started to feel that life in a forest is very-
(a) uncomfortable
(b) dangerous
(c) relaxing
(d) none of these.
7. In the forest, the duke and his followers lived a life like that of-
(a) Robert Bruce in the cave
(b) the king of a huge empire
(c) Robin Hood of England
(d) prisoners in confinement.ntnuco
8. The sharp teeth of the cold wind in winter is nothing, according to the Duke Senior, compared to man’s –
(a) love
(b) jealousy
(c) unkindness and ingratitude
(d) happiness.
9. The Senior Duke said that there are some uses-
(a) of a poisonous snake
(b) of a poisonous toad
(c) of a poisonous tree
(d) of the skin of a lizard.
10. The duke used to draw lessons from-
(a) books
(b) Nature
(c) his grandfather
(d) his followers.
11. The daughter of the banished Duke was-
(a) Celia
(b) Viola
(c) Aliena
(d) Rosalind.
12. The lawful duke is-
(a) Oliver
(b) Orlando
(c) Celia’s uncle
(d) Celia’s father.
13. Though Rosalind was thrown out of the dukedom, she remained in the
(a) forest
(b) house
(c) cottage
(d) palace.
14. Celia’s father was-
(a) the old banished Duke
(b) Adam
(c) Sir Rowland de Boys
(d) Duke Frederick.
15. When Duke Frederick banished Rosalind, Celia-
(a) felt very grief stricken
(b) was undoubtedly happy
(c) approved her father’s decision
(d) turned rebellious.
16. Rosalind was Duke Frederick’s-
(a) sister
(b) cousin
(c) daughter
(d) niece.
17. Though there was a discord between the fathers of Rosalind and Celia, the two girls-
(a) were indifferent to each other
(b) shared an eternal bond of friendship
(c) fought with each other
(d) none of these.
18. Rosalind and Celia were
(a) friends
(b) neighbours
(c) cousins
(d) both (a) and (c).
19. A messenger brought the news of a –
(a) war
(b) dinner party
(c) wrestling match
(d) none of these.
20. Celia thought that the wrestling match would amuse-
(a) her father
(b) her mother
(c) her friends
(d) Rosalind.
21. What was the favourite sport of the princes during that time?
(a) hunting
(b) wrestling matches
(c) shooting
(d) fencing.
22. Once there was held a court wrestling between-
(a) a practiced wrestler and Orlando
(b) Senior Duke and Oliver
(c) Orlando and Oliver
(d) Orlando and Ganymede.
23. Orlando and Rosalind met at-
(a) the wedding of Duke Frederick
(b) a public execution
(c) a wrestling match
(d) a concert.
24. Orlando refused the request of Celia and Rosalind-
(a) harshly
(b) indifferently
(c) boldly
(d) gracefully.
25. Who inspired the youth before the wrestling match started?
(a) Rosalind
(b) Celia
(c) Both Rosalind and Celia
(d) Duke Frederick.
26. The youth who won the wrestling match introduced himself as-
(a) Oliver
(b) Orlando
(c) Fred
(d) Acres.
27. Orlando was the youngest son of-
(a) Adam
(b) Sir Rowland de Boys
(c) Frederick
(d) Ferdinand.
28. Sir Rowland De Boys was a trusted friend of-
(a) Frederick
(b) the lawful Duke
(c) Adam
(d) Rosalind.
29. When Orlando won the wrestling match, Rosalind gifted him her
(a) ring
(b) chain
(c) bracelet
(d) gloves.
30. “Is it possible that you should fall in love so suddenly?” -Who is the speaker?
(a) Celia
(b) Orlando
(c) Oliver
(d) Rosalind.
31. Frederick was angry with Rosalind and ordered her to-
(a) go to her room
(b) go to the forest
(c) go with Orlando
(d) go to Sir Rowland de Boys.
32. Celia decided to go to the forest with –
(a) Orlando
(b) Rosalind
(c) Oliver
(d) her father.)
33. Rosalind and Celia went to the Forest of Arden-
(a) in a carriage
(b) in disguise
(c) with an army
(d) on horseback.
34. Rosalind and Celia disguised themselves as-
(a) lover and beloved
(b) uncle and niece
(c) shepherd and shepherdess
(d) husband and wife.
35. Rosalind and Celia disguised themselves to-
(a) protect their valuable belongings
(b) conceal their identity
(c) protect Duke Frederick
(d) none of these.
36. Celia took the disguise of a-
(a) boy
(b) servant
(c) country lass
(d) princess.
37. Celia went out of the palace in the disguise of-
(a) Aliena
(b) Ganymede
(c) Helena
(d) Titania.
38. Rosalind disguised herself as a male and called herself as-
(a) Aliena
(b) Sir Rowland de Boys
(c) Frederick
(d) Ganymede.
39. When Rosalind and Celia escaped from the palace, they took with them-
(a) only food
(b) only jewels
(c) only money
(d) money and jewels.
40. In the forest, Rosalind and Celia met a/the-
(a) hermit
(b) hunter
(c) servant of a shepherd
(d) robber.
41. In the forest, Rosalind and Celia bought a
(a) shepherd’s house
(b) piece of land
(c) bunch of flowers
(d) number of cottages.
42. Sir Rowland de Boys’ elder son was –
(a) Orlando
(b) a wrestler
(c) Adam
(d) Oliver.
43. When Sir Rowland de Boys died, he left Orlando under the care of-
(a) Ferdinand
(b) Frederick
(c) Adam
(d) Oliver.
44. Orlando’s brother was-
(a) Frederick
(b) Iago
(c) Ganymede
(d) Oliver.
45. Oliver planned to murder Orlando after he won the wrestling match-
(a) by burning him alive when he slept
(b) by sprinkling poisonous juice on his clothes
(c) by giving him poisonous food
(d) by hiring assassins to kill him.
46. Who was the faithful servant of Sir Rowland de Boys?
(a) Charles
(b) Adam
(c) Acres
(d) Orlando.
47. Adam overheard Oliver’s plan of-
(a) murdering his brother
(b) murdering his father
(c) murdering his enemy
(d) murdering a soldier.
48. Adam had a special affection for Orlando because-
(a) he was very rich
(b) he was very strong
(c) his brother hated him
(d) he resembled his father.
49. Sir Rowland de Boys’ servant Adam advised Orlando to-
(a) kill his brother
(b) escape as soon as possible
(c) marry Rosalind
(d) forget Rosalind.
50. Adam gave Orlando gold amounting to-
(a) two hundred crowns
(b) three hundred crowns
(c) one hundred crowns
(d) five hundred crowns.
51. Who accompanied Orlando when he escaped?
(a) Oliver
(b) Frederick
(c) Adam
(d) Rosalind.
52. “Good old man, rest your weary limbs…..”. Here, the words are said by-
(a) the banished duke to Adam
(b) Rosalind to Celia
(c) Orlando to Oliver
(d) Orlando to Adam.
53. Orlando and Adam met the banished duke in-
(a) an old cottage
(b) a mansion
(c) the forest
(d) none of these.
54. When Orlando came upon the company of the duke and his friends, the duke and his followers were going to have their-
(a) supper
(b) dinner
(c) lunch
(d) breakfast.
55. Orlando demanded food from the dinner table of the duke-
(a) politely
(b) weakly
(c) rudely, on sword point
(d) with courtesy.
56. The banished duke fed-
(a) Orlando and Oliver
(b) Oliver and Adam
(c) only Adam
(d) Orlando and Adam.
57. While roaming in the forest, Ganymede and Aliena were surprised to see
(a) Rosalind’s name carved on the bark of the trees
(b) love sonnets addressed to Rosalind, attached to the barks
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these.
58. Rosalind could easily recognise Orlando as
(a) he had a scar on his forehead
(b) he was wearing the chain given by her
(c) a man addressed him by his name
(d) he was exceptionally handsome.
59. Who told the two sisters where Rosalind’s father was residing?
(a) Oliver
(b) Adam
(c) Orlando
(d) None of these.
60. Orlando found a snake twisted around the neck of-
(a) Phoebe
(c) Rosalind
(b) Charles
(d) Oliver.
61. Orlando saw a lioness waiting in the bush to attack-
(a) Orlando
(b) Oliver
(c) Frederick
(d) Adam.
62. Oliver was saved by Orlando as he fought a-
(a) tiger
(b) tigress
(c) lion
(d) lioness.
63. Aliena was impressed with Oliver because of
(a) his attractive physique
(b) his knowledge
(c) his way of expressing sincere grief for his earlier offences
(d) his magnificent attire.
64. Oliver fell in love with –
(a) Aliena
(b) Rosalind
(c) Olivia
(d) none of them.
65. Ganymede fainted hearing about the wounds of-
(a) Oliver
(b) Orlando
(c) Frederick
(d) her father.
66. Oliver went to Aliena to ask for
(a) some money
(b) a favour
(c) her hand in marriage
(d) none of these.
67. Ganymede said that she would bring Rosalind there with the help of-
(a) a special magical power
(b) her father
(c) her sister
(d) her friends.
68. Ganymede came to the duke to ask for his permission for Orlando’s marriage with-
(a) Aliena
(c) Lucy
(b) Celia
(d) Rosalind.
69. Oliver married-
(a) Alice
(b) Celia
(c) Rose
(d) Rosalind.
70. The two marriages which we observe in ‘As You Like It’ are between-
(a) Celia-Orlando and Rosalind-Oliver
(b) Orlando-Aliena and Oliver-Rosalind
(c) Adam-Rosalind and Oliver-Celia
(d) Oliver-Celia and Orlando-Rosalind.
71. In ‘As You Like It’, the happy marriages were followed by having-
(a) wine
(b) venison
(c) ham
(d) mutton.
72. The Usurper was-
(a) Oliver
(b) Orlando
(c) Adam
(d) Frederick.
73. The Usurper headed for the forest to-
(a) meet the hermit
(b) search for Celia
(c) kill his brother
(d) find Orlando.
74. As Duke Frederick entered the forest he met a-
(a) dacoit
(b) fairy
(c) hermit
(d) clown.
75. The person who turned the duke’s heart from his wicked design was-
(a) a peasant
(b) a hermit
(c) Rosalind
(d) a countryman.
76. Duke Frederick took the decision of spending his last days in
(a) a mansion
(b) a small cottage
(c) his own palace
(d) a religious house.
77. Frederick’s first act of penitence was to send the messenger to his brother to
(a) restore to him his domain and the followers
(b) restore to him the lands
(c) restore to him the revenues
(d) all of these.
78. The news of restoration of all the property came to the banished duke at the time of
(a) the marriage of his daughter
(b) the marriage of his niece
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.
79. The wedding of Rosalind-Orlando and Celia- Oliver took place in-
(a) Duke Frederick’s court
(b) the Forest of Arden
(c) Sir Rowland de Boys’ mansion
(d) a shepherd’s cottage.
80. For her father’s decision, Celia
(a) lost her position as the queen
(b) lost her position as the heir to the dukedom
(c) lost her position as the ruler
(d) none of these.
81. In the end, the Senior Duke rewarded-
(a) his daughter
(b) his friends
(c) his followers
(d) his son-in-law.
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